Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oh hey, I remember you- that blog I started... (aka my year in review)

Holy shit! Been a while, huh? To say that I launched into this endeavor with the best of intentions to hit them keys multiple times a week-- at the very least churn something out twice, three times a month, perhaps-- yeah, I kinda underperformed there. I admit it, guilty as charged. However, with 2011 in the can within a matter of hours, I can find no more suitable time to get back out there in blogland.

So, what the hell happened? It wasn't lack of material, that's for sure. There's some music-related stuff that I was mentally constructing but never got a chance to pull the trigger on and fully hammer out on the computer. Thinking on it now though, some of it's a little more dated to where my head was at that time. Suffice to say, Hot Sauce Committee, Part Two was a huge part of my summer soundtrack. As a member of their original fanbase, it may definitely speak to my age that a new Beastie Boys release is among the things I'd hold as 2011's musical highlights. It may also speak to the fact that I surprisingly don't get out as much or as often as I'd like or used to, but I'm finding that I could really give a fuck considering how disjointed the state of music really is right now. But clearly, a topic for another time altogether...

I also had a 2-part dissertation on Metallica that I was all hot-and-heavy on all mentally mapped out- really wanted to get that one fired on out there prior to their release of the album with Lou Reed. Now that that thing's out there though, quite honestly, I don't really want to touch it. And I did a fair amount of actual critical research into this Metallica thing (Kate did a fair amount of critical eyerolling as said "research" transpired). Who knows, it may still happen one day- just maybe gotta adjust the goalpost some...

Also got a great "viewer mail" submission for a piece: the 20 year anniversary of Nevermind. Still valid, as we are now a firm 2 decades removed from the heyday of the whole "Seattle grunge movement". The passing of classic rock's batton is indeed talkin' 'bout my generation (and I ain't gonna take that smack lightly, y'know!). To wit, 2011: The Year Kim and Thurston Broke Up. Sadly, we're now all too old to decide who goes with Mom and who goes with Dad in the divorce, though...

What's the John Lennon quote? "Life's what happens while you're busy making other plans"- something to that effect. Yeah, this past year would be a great example of that. Without going too in depth on a lot of specifics, personally this was a year of sacrifice and loss, lessons learned and ultimately being so damn grateful for all I do have. As the shit was hitting the proverbial fan around me, it just didn't seem right to flap my cyber-talking head. 

I had two friends die on me this year. Completely unrelated and geographically-removed from one another, they'd never even met, in fact- just... coincidental because prior to this year, I've never had anyone die on me. I mean, yeah- sure, I've had older family members-- folks who lived long, full lives-- pass on. Certainly, I've even known people whom I went to high school with -- casual acquaintances-- that are no longer here-- and that sucks, but never truly somebody I could say "yeah, they're in my crew". I'm sorry if it sounds so damn narcissistic: "they" died on "me"- I don't mean for it to be about me at all. It's just not. Like I said, though, going 37 years and never having to endure being at a party of good friends and saying "man, I wish that guy was here" and knowing that there is no way that will ever happen ever, ever again... it's just a new painful mechanism for me to deal with. Rest in peace, guys- our worlds are all that much dimmer without either of you...

Focusing on the "plus column" (which, should really just be my 2012 mantra), the tribulations of 2011 made me appreciate the living shit out of my family that much more. I'm going to take this moment to shamelessly sing Kate's praises- not only in putting up with me for 10+ years now, but in to-date successfully growing our family business ( and being the best damn mom on Earth. Check out her blog, even.  **Now ends Gratutious Spousal Cross-Promotional quasi-adspace...**

We also got to see our kids rock the living shit outta live instruments this past summer at Ethos Music band camp-- that was pretty cool (and they made mugs!). Kinda weird though being a full-on audience member and not part band member/ on-stage coach/ conductor for once- that was a new one for me but very, very gratifying in its own way. The future of music will be in good hands and/or the Lehn family is gonna do just fine in the inevitable post-apocalypse-- 'cuz Vaudeville's gonna come back in a big way...

Having the store's also turned me on to something else, so I guess 2011 can successfully get clocked in as the year that gave me (some much needed and long overdue) career direction in that I am now once again enrolled in school. Without making it sound any more like a further iteration of the Police Academy than it already does sometimes in my own mind, I am now pursuing a degree in web design and development at Portland Community College. I suppose I can allow myself to count amongst my 2011 blessings a consistent rocking of the 4.0 g.p.a. since re-applying myself to scholarly pursuits (in the name of better business), though...

I'm very much looking forward to 2012. I'm excited for the future. I seem to always do better in the even number years- don't know what that's all about. Some sorta weird psychological disposition based on... ? I dunno- I was born in an even year, Kate's an even year, all 3 boys are even years. I am hereby committing and recommitting myself to making 2012 the best damn year I possibly can. That means more blog love. That means buying a fresh whole pineapple and eating it before it over-ripens. That means being the best damn dad and husband I can be. Following this momentum train, don't even get me started as to what 2012 could mean for me as a bass player. Plus, Joss Whedon's Avengers movie comes out this coming May as well as Marvel's own AvX event, the two-fist of which is already its own indescribable internet-boner nerdgasm of awesome for me. I very much look forward to this future of which you speak.

soooo... 2012. Soothsayers: Start your prophecies!